My life and adventures, travels, thoughts and random (or not so random) celebrity encounters. And music.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Scary, Pt. 2

It saddens me to think of the timing of this latest terror alert situation in the UK. There is a (growing?) circle of conspiracy theorists who link the timing of these situations to bad political PR. The tail wagging the dog. The theory is that when things are going bad for Shrub, they invent a terrorist-related story or threat to re-direct (distract) our attention to what the Administration considers it's great strength and advantage. Consider this NY Times column from last year.

So some of Bush's toadies just lost in their primaries on Tuesday. Pundits are crying the impending victory of the Dems in November, folks have had it with the Mess O'Potamia (thank you, Daily Show, for that brilliant title), polls show support for the war is lower than ever and there's a pissed-off electorate ready to send a slew of Bush-supporting politicians home. About damn time.

And now, two days after these possibly Republican-dooming primaries we have a huge terror threat, very scary, and just on the verge of the fifth anniversary of 9/11. Coincidence? Many would say no, and if you research the history you might acquiesce to the timing.

The absolute worst theory is that this administration was itself the orchestrator of 9-11. Wow. Even for me, an absolute and total despiser of this administration and everything it's done and not done and everything it's stood for and against - that's a tough one to wrap my brain around.

And yet, these days it just wouldn't surprise me if that were the case then or now. That makes me so very sad, to think that I don't trust my country's government to do it's most basic and fundamental duty, which, as with all law enforcement, is to protect and serve. To take care of their country and it's citizens. (Like the bumper sticker says, "I love my country, but fear my government") Yeah, sure, there's always corruption and sleaze, but this is extreme to the extreme. My only consolation is the belief in karma. God watching. You reap what you sow. THAT is something I have absolute belief in. So, whatever the truth is, whether I'm right or wrong, I know that justice will be served. Someday. To all.

I hate having these doubts and suspicions. And I truly hope and pray that I'm wrong.

But in the spirit of good karma, or just to express thanks - regardless of your opinion of the war in Iraq - you can go here to say thanks (for free) to the soldiers who are serving in what I hope will somehow turn out to be a worthwhile effort.


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