My life and adventures, travels, thoughts and random (or not so random) celebrity encounters. And music.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Today was kinda one of Those Days - mostly just frustrating. From dropping and breaking my eyeshadow this morning, to wasting time on pointless bullshit at work to the construction traffic on the way home - it was just one of Those Days, ya know? So it was great when I turn on the tube and catch a preview of tomorrow's episode of Dr. Phil, which evidently is about slacker adults who refuse to grow up and move out of their parents' homes. And one such loser, in this preview, expresses his trepidation about appearing on the show in what is now my new favorite phrase:

"It harshes my mellow".

Dude, that is totally awesome.


Blogger Serena said...

ha! a few months ago they had an article about that in Time magazine, only they called us Twixters. My parents has been jokingly throwing that phrase towards me and my brother ever since.

of course, dr. phil is a quack, so i highly doubt any information he has to say will have any relevance in the real world. :P

8:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope your boss doesn't see your comment about the pointless BS....
It may "yellow your mellow"... :))
signed - D O D

1:52 PM


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