My life and adventures, travels, thoughts and random (or not so random) celebrity encounters. And music.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Helping NOLA musicians

Below is an email from friend Dr. Ira Padnos, aka Dr. Ike, organizer of one of the best music events ever in my opinion, the Ponderosa Stomp in New Orleans.

hey chillun .the time is right to supprt the new orleans musicians we all`s one way to help out.noahleans is an organization dedicated to getting the displaced new orleans musicians back on their feet by providing them with gigs,instruments,clothes,rides,etc.they want to get these musicians working .they want to help the musicians but allow the musicians to maintain their dignity in view of all that has happened.this is a damn good idea thati hope spreads to other cities.please check out their website, contact person is gigi hill.her email address is .her phonenumber is 713-522-2299.pleasehelp out the musicians and noahleans.
thanks for your help,dr ike


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i say, amy darlin', you just may be able to come visit me in oregon before too terribly long . . . !! for you, there will always be room. H

8:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoops! was sposed to go on the nwmf bit below - not the nola stuff! H, again.

8:47 PM


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