My life and adventures, travels, thoughts and random (or not so random) celebrity encounters. And music.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Actors as Musicians

While at the Phoenix Film Festival in April, I caught the Bacon Brothers live set. I have to say, I was rather impressed! I was expecting it to be the typical actor ego project, a la Bruce Willis, but these guys were actually good. I enjoyed their music and their onstage energy, and Kevin Bacon wasn't a spotlight whore as might be expected. And they even played "Footloose", which was so much fun. I thought he was a real sport to do that one. Here's the Brothers doin' their thing onstage.....

... and me with K.B. and his wife Kyra Sedgwick (who's thighs are about as big around as my wrists).

The Bacons were at the festival to promote their movie "Loverboy", which he directed and they both star in and I still have not seen. But I also had the great pleasure to meet the title character, played by the most charming and endearing boy, Dominic Kay. Here's a pic of us - terrible of me, but it's the only one I have.

Now as far as the many other actors who also play music... well, I've not seen any others live, which is really the best way to judge. I've heard TOFOG, Russell Crowe's band, and while I'm a HUGE fan of his, their music was pretty mediocre in my opinion. I do think he's a decent writer, tho'.

And I do not subscribe to the notion that actors shouldn't play music, or vice versa. I've known enough creative people in my life to know that creativity usually comes in more than one form of expression, so who the hell is anyone else to say what a person should or shouldn't do?

So there.

BTW, I'd like it noted for the record that I have lost about 25 pounds since the above photos were taken! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lost 25 pounds and lookin' good....

7:15 AM

Blogger AmyV said...

Thanks, whoever you are!

6:30 PM


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