My life and adventures, travels, thoughts and random (or not so random) celebrity encounters. And music.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Love Yer Mother

Happy Earth Day!

Here are some very easy, simple things you can do today to start living more eco-friendly, courtesy of one of my she-roes, Oprah.

For example:
(1) Rather than buying bottled water, use a re-usable bottle that you can wash in the dishwasher, and refill it
(2) Decline the printed receipt option when you make an ATM transaction
(3) Receive and pay your monthly bills online vs. snail-mail (if your bank doesn't offer free online bill-pay, then your electric, phone, cable, car, etc., company probably does)
(4) Unplug electronics that you're not using RIGHT NOW - just being plugged in they use energy unnecessarily
(5) If every family replaced ONE bulb with a compact florescent lightbulb (CFL), it would be like reducing carbon emissions from 800,000 cars - WOW!
(6) Make a donation to one of the sites mentioned on the links provided herein to plant trees and reduce your carbon footprint

Bonus: many are money-saving! Click here for even more info and tips.

If you think this global warming thing is all a bunch of hooey, you should check this out. And you should also check into what pretty much every other developed country on the planet thinks about it. To summarize: the U.S. is the about only country whose government doesn't buy into the science.

What do YOU think?

PS - for more cool pics from space, go here

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dude, Where's My Planet?

I hope you've been watching "Planet Earth" on the Discovery Channel. The photography is spectacular, the nature is outta this world.

Who knew such weirdness existed? (I mean, outside of Dick Cheney and Pat Roberston.)

You HAVE to watch this. (If you have Comcast digital cable, you should be able to get it On Demand. And you should get it.)

Trust me, this series will win awards like you ain't never seen.

And the Winner Is...

Bumper Sticker Honor Awards go to:

Exactly What Are Conservatives Conserving?
("our values" is my favorite answer, and oh by the way that's from a military man)

At Least the War on the Environment is Going Well

And the winner is....

If Evolution is Outlawed, Then Only Outlaws Will Evolve

Friday, April 06, 2007

Raise Your Voice

Join's Virtual Town Hall: Iraq is hosting a virtual town hall meeting this Tuesday, with many of the top contenders for the President gig addressing members' questions about Iraq. Anyone can attend a local house party to watch the proceedings. Go here to find a location near you, or to sign up to host one yourself.

Suggested questions:
How long will it take you to begin criminal proceedings against the BushCheneyRumsfeldRoveHalliburton war conglomerate?
How long can we make them stay in Gitmo?
How soon will you re-establish relations with Cuba and then start selling tickets for American tourists to jeer outside the gates of Gitmo?
Will the rocks and rotten fruit be free or will they cost extra?
Will there also be a pay-per-view? If so, when, and for how long? Can we make it a "Truman Show" kind of thing?
The money should be used for: paying for the best medical care for all troops as long as they need it, with the rest going to Iraqi children so they won't attack us when they grow up. (Ok, yeah, that's not a question, but let's not get too technical.)